Baron and Baroness
Baroness Áine Ruadh Inghean Néill and Baron Aedan Aylwyn
Baroness Áine Ruadh Inghean Néill and Baron Aedan Aylwyn
email: baronage AT
Baroness Áine Ruadh Inghean Néill and Baron Aedan Aylwyn

Baronial Officers

If you are interested in filling a vacant position, please email our Baron & Baroness or the Seneschal.


The seneschal shall act as the president of the local chapter of the SCA, Inc. The seneschal is responsible for filing all reports and signed event waiver materials, as required by the Kingdom Seneschal.

Mistress Melisent la Ruse



The local exchequer shall act as the treasurer of the local chapter of the SCA, Inc. The local exchequer is responsible for filing all quarterly and year-end reports required by the Kingdom Exchequer and Society. The local exchequer is responsible for ensuring that the group follows procedures as set out in the local Financial Policy, Kingdom Financial Policy, and Society Branch Financial Policy. The local exchequer is accountable for all of the regalia for their group. If the group has a chamberlain/quartermaster that tracks the property of the group, this office falls under the office of exchequer.

Lord Torbjorn Skaldson

email: Exchequer AT

(Josh Easop)


Lady Fjǫrleif in Rauða

Quartermaster AT

(Debbie deTreville)


Help organize and attend programs for recruitment and educational purposes (i.e., demos). Insure that the branch Seneschal has signed off on the Demo. Provide information about the SCA to newcomers, prospective members, and the public in the form of literature and/or personal dialogue, or, when necessary, refer them to a more appropriate source.

Mistress Helga Vilhjalmskona

Newcomers, please email: CaerMearChatelaine AT


The local herald or deputy should attempt to attend each local meetings and/or be available to answer questions and help local members with heraldry questions. If the local herald does not know the answer to the question, he or she should direct any inquiries to Triton or Golden Dolphin for answers. If processing submissions, as submissions come in, the local herald should check them for completeness and documentation and payment of correct fees. If possible, the herald should also check submissions to make sure they meet all the requirements of the Society's Rules for Submission, including documentation, period style, conflict and/or use of reserved or offensive charges and notify the submitter of any potential problems.

Lord Iacobo ibn Daoud

email: Herald AT

(Michael Schatz)


Chroniclers are responsible for producing newsletters which keep S.C.A. members informed about events and activities within the area that the newsletter services and which educate their readers about aspects of the middle ages. All chroniclers shall endeavor to produce a newsletter that reflects the dignity of the group they represent.

This position is CURRENTLY VACCENT if you are interested in filling this role please reach out to the Baronage or the Seneschal

Minister of Arts & Sciences

To encourage the Arts and Sciences in the local group. This may be approached in any of a number of ways including, but not limited to, sponsoring classes, competitions, and displays at events, encouraging members of the populace to exchange knowledge and skills through workshops, classes, or published articles, and bringing promising and gifted members to the attention of the Crown or Baronage (if applicable).

Lady Meriorie Matheson

email: MoAS AT

Chancellor of Youth

To facilitate the education of youth about the SCA and history within the SCA period; support and encourage the participation of youth in age- appropriate activities; provide activities for all youth and to help parents encourage their children and teens to become an active and vital part of the SCA; and assist Seneschals, Chatelaines, Autocrats, Youth Officers, and Coordinators in providing and/or organizing classes, educational activities, and opportunities for all youth to become more involved within the SCA.

This position is CURRENTLY VACCENT if you are interested in filling this role please reach out to the Baronage or the Seneschal

Minister of the Lists

A warranted MoL is required to administer all combat activities at Atlantian events. For the purposes of this policy only, an Atlantian event is defined as any event announced in The Acorn. Any combat activity, including tournaments, demos, war practices, and training at Universities or Collegiums, held at these events requires an MoL.

This position is CURRENTLY VACCENT if you are interested in filling this role please reach out to the Baronage or the Seneschal

Knights Marshal

Sir Balin D'Acier

email: KnightsMarshal AT

(Jayson Steele)

Rapier Marshal

Lord Steffan von Musbach

email: RapierMarshal at

(Barry Klohr)


Archery Marshal

This position is CURRENTLY VACCENT if you are interested in filling this role please reach out to the Baronage or the Seneschal

Thrown Weapons Marshal

Lady Rose Eileen Robertson

Thrown weapons with Rose Eileen Robertson at her home on Wednesday’s at 7 pm and or Sundays at noon. All contingent on weather and the Marshalls schedule. Please email for more information at Thrown.Marshal AT

Youth Armored Marshal

Marshals for Youth Combat exist within the structure established under the Crown and Earl Marshal of Atlantia. All marshals for Youth Combat activities are warranted, have authority and are expected to conduct themselves as warranted marshals of this Kingdom, according to Kingdom Law and the Policies of the Earl Marshal.

This position is Currently Vaccent if you are interested in filling this role please reach out to the Baronage or the Seneschal

Web Minister

Lord Seraphino Ferruccio

email: Webminister AT

(Chris Guzek)


Contact information for all Baronial Officers can also be found in the printed version of the Q.D. If you need to contact a baronial officer that is not listed here, please contact the Seneschal